The Magazine 70周年纪念特刊Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your greetings and wishes during this occasion will be most welcome to be reflected in this magazine. The details for the greetings are as follows: A. Layout and Rates: Greetings and wishes will be placed according to layout as follow. 1. Full page (B5 size Width 176mm x Height 250mm; full color) RM1,600/- 2. Half page (B5 size Width 176mm x Height 125mm; full color) RM900/- B. Content: You may follow the sample attached or design your own content. C. Please submit your greetings with the reply slip latest before MARCH 9, 2025. If you need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact Sis Wendy Ho 017-7738 506 or Sis Jess Ooi 012-7980 531. You can also email your enquiry to Magazine Shooting Day (For Homegroup/CG Only) Date and Time: 23Feb Sun 1pm-3pm 1Mar Sat 1pm-4pm 2Mar Sun 1pm-3pm Location: The wall outside the Administration Office Shooting will be offered to homegroup/ cellgroup who is sponsoring advertisement for the 70th Anniversary Magazine. 8 groups will be arranged for each time slot, if the time slot is fully booked, we will notify you separately. 我们欢迎您向本纪念特刊致以贺词。 有关“贺词”的详细内容如下: A. 贺词设计及奉献数额: 全版 (B5 size宽:176mm;高:250mm;彩色页面) RM1600/- 半版(B5 size 宽:176mm;高:125mm;彩色页面) RM900/- B. 贺词设计: 祝贺者可选择贺词样板或自行设计贺词。 C. 若贵会或肢体乐意参与,请联同内附回条,在三月九日之前给与回复。 有关其他相关细节,请联系Wendy姐妹017-7738 506或Jess姐妹 012-7980 531。您也可以电邮至。再次感激诸位的支持与鼓励。 特刊拍摄 (只提供给家组/小组) 日期 23/2 日 1pm-3pm 1/3 六 1pm-4pm 2/3 日 1pm-3pm 地点: 行政办公室外的墙壁 提供拍摄给有赞助70周年纪念特刊广告的家组/小组,每一个时段安排八组家组/小组拍摄,若该时段已经满,我们会另行通知。 PARTICULARS 广告商资料 TYPE 类别 *Personal 个人Church 教会Company 商家Organisation 机构Homegroup/Cellgroup 家组/小组NAME 姓名 *ADDRESS 地址 *If Not Applicable kindly indicate "NA" 请注明“不适用”或“NA”LayoutCONTACT PERSON NAME 联系人姓名 *HANDPHONE 手提号码 *EMAIL 电邮 *OFFICE NO. 办公号码ADVERTISEMENT SPONSORSHIP 广告资料 1. I/ We would like to include a greeting in your 70th Anniversary Magazine. (Please indicate a tick) 将在“新山全备福音教会七十周年纪念特刊”刊登贺词。(请打勾) *Full Page B5 size , Full Color 全版 B5 彩色页面 RM1600Half Page B5 size , Full Color 半版 B5 彩色页面 RM9002. I / We would like to choose (Please indicate a tick) 贺词内容:本人/本教会选择(请打勾) *I/ We will be submitting the finished artwork in jpeg or png format. 我/我们将提交 jpeg 或 png 格式的图版。Please design the advertisement using the standard content option (Refer below item 3) 请使用70周年标准内容选项设计广告(参见以下第 3 项)3. Please choose ONE preferable 70th Anniversary greeting content and indicate a tick 请选择合您心意的贺词,然后在空格内打勾 *Psalms 127:1a – Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labour in vain.Matthew 16:18 – I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against itPsalms 126:5 – Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joyHaggai 2:9 – The glory of this latter temple shall be greater than the formerProverbs 10:22 - The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.Isaiah 54:2a – “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide…”Isaiah 60:1 - Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.Isaiah 40:31 – “Those that wait upon the Lord…shall mount up with wings as eagles…”Psalms 37:4 – Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.同心做事,齐心成事爱主更深,事主更勤贵重器皿,合乎主用作成他的工,成就他的事荣耀归于真神同心同行,向前跨进主恩浩瀚,同颂主恩扩展神国同心同行同建造向竿力前Only select ONE 只选其一PAYMENT METHOD 付款方式ONLINE TRANSFER 转账: Full Gospel Church Johor Bahru PBB 3190870029CHEQUE 支票 (Payable to 抬头请写: FULL GOSPEL CHURCH JOHOR BAHRU)EWALLETATTACHED BANK IN SLIP 附上银行转账资料 Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 2 files. SHOOTING DAY 特刊拍摄 Select ONE time slot 选择1个时段23/2 (Sun 日) 1PM-2PM23/2 (Sun 日) 2PM-3PM1/3 (Sat 六) 1PM-2PM1/3 (Sat 六) 2PM-3PM1/3 (Sat 六) 3PM-4PM2/3 (Sun 日) 1PM-2PM2/3 (Sun 日) 2PM-3PMShooting will be offered to homegroup/ cellgroup who is sponsoring advertisement in the 70th Anniversary Magazine. 8 groups will be arranged for each time slot, if the time slot is fully booked, we will notify you separately. 提供拍摄给有赞助70周年纪念特刊广告的家组/小组,每一个时段安排八组家组/小组拍摄,若该时段已经满,我们会另行通知。Submit